an unofficial UK DDR (+ other arcade rhythm games) guide!

Date of Visit: 18th February 2023
Date of Writing: 22nd March 2023

Wow! I really need to get on top of writing reviews and stuff, because it's been over a month since I went to the arcade! It's still so clear in my mind though - we had such a fun time!!

It was a long, long trip up to Arcade Club Leeds - which I've been to before, as I love the JP X2 cab there - with three of my good friends. (It's great that I know people who can actually drive!)
Two of them weren't big rhythm game fans at the time, but I'm sure I've lured one of them over to the dark side by now!

One of my favourite parts of going to an arcade, outside of playing the games myself, is watching other people play the games. No matter the skill level - every individual player has some quirk of their own that influences their gameplay, and they're always fun to observe.
Plus, I met a new friend during this visit! It was my first time playing maimai seriously in an arcade, and he helped me out a bunch with changing the scroll speed and some other stuff I'm planning to put onto the maimai page here eventually. If you're reading this, thanks Aaron!

It's great knowing people in person who like rhythm games! I've always felt DDR's history captures the sense of community that games like these gather, and I just love playing alongside people who have the same passion for the game as me. It's really electric!

Plus, I beat my B4U score, finally! (B4U is my favourite DDR song ...) It's still not very impressive, but I know that just means I have room to improve! I'm gonna attempt more expert charts next time I visit - I know I have the potential!

I promise I played other stuff too! Mario Kart and Outrun were really fun ... and I got to try out Beatsaber/VR for the first time! I guess that's still a rhythm game though .. gwaa !
I was totally wiped after we got home, sob sob ...! It took a while for my body to heal from this visit - maybe it's better off that I live so far away from any arcade, or I'd be shattered constantly!

Still, though, it's just so sad that it'll be so long until I can next take a trip there! Tune in for next time - TROUT?! hijacks a train going towards Leeds??? tee hee hee !

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my B4U score!
TROUT's B4U results screen. He has 895,560 points.

It's no secret that I love cute clothes - and I wore a really cute outfit on this trip! Maybe I should draw my mascot in it... hmm....